630 Meter Page (under construction)


Go to NJDTechnologies for the best and latest happenings on 630 meters.



1. Tested JT’s WSPR2 and WSJT-X simultaneously. Setup for 630 meters was an amplified 17 foot vertical to K3 to EMU 0204 sound card at 48ksps, into XP machine to Virtual Audio Cable (VAC) to the subject software. Examined the .txt files stored by both on disk and found that WSPR2 missed 19 decodes that –X got and –X missed only one that WSPR2 got.

2. Latest WSJT-X builds (and others) can be found at: http://jt65-dx.com/download/wsjt-x.html

3. A whole WSPR transmit system in the palm of your at: http://qrp-labs.com

4. If you have an LP-100A from TelePost Inc. you can get the LPC6 that covers 100kHz to 20MHz. It is not on their web page, you must email Larry and ask.