“DX Never Sleeps



We’ve been getting involved with six meter EME since about the beginning of February 2009.  EME initial QSOs to date:

W7GJ            Lance              10 Feb 2009

G5WQ           Ian                 07 Mar 2009

HR9BFS        Boyde            08 Mar 2009

K2ZD              Mario             09 Mar 2009           7el yagi to 5 el yagi

N8JX             Terry             21 Mar 2009            7el yagi to 5 el yagi

E51SIX         Lance              31 Mar 2009            8el yagi to 5 el yagi

ON4GG         Geert             04 Apr 2009          

G4IGO          Ken                 04 Apr 2009

IW5DHN     Matteo         03 May 2009

EX7MW        Mike               20 Aug 2009

ON4IQ         Johan             23 Aug 2009

OH2BC          Kari                24 Aug 2009

OA4TT         Jack               05 Oct 2009

OH6MIK       Tuomas         11 Oct 2009

GM4WJA      John               11 Oct 2009

K7WQ           Jeff               11 Oct 2009

JR6EXN        Hide               12 Oct 2009

MM0AMW    David              08 Nov 2009

OK1RD          Jarda             25 Nov 2009

VK4ABW       Gary               05 Dec 2009

W1JJ             Mick               19 May 2010

3D2LR           Lance              02 Oct 2010

V55EME        Alex               11 May 2011

5W0GJ         Lance              27 Aug 2012

VK9N/ZL1RS Bob               01 Apr 2012

E6M               Lance              11 Sep 2012

N7NW          Hal                 12 Sep 2012

TX5K              Lance              02 Mar 2013    Clipperton Is.

KH8/W7GJ  Lance           13 Jul 2014      American Somoa




Thanks to all for their patience and perseverance.


..and don’t ask me why they aren’t lined up…...

Six Meter EME

DXCC Band and Modes

Band/Mode   Current worked/confirmed    Total Worked/Confirmed    WAZ

Mixed                        337/337                                        346/346                    40/40

CW                            337/337                                        346/346

Phone                        269/258                                        261/242

RTTY                        227/212                                         210/190

160 Meters              222/219                                         226/223                   37/37

80 Meters                287/284                                                                       40/39

60 Meters                2/2

40 Meters                315/314                                                                        40/40

30 Meters                278/271                                                                        37/36

20 Meters                334/334                                                                       40/40

17 Meters                294/289                                                                       39/39

15 Meters                313/309                                                                        39/39

12 Meters                286/280                                                                       40/40

10 Meters                289/286                                                                       38/38

6 Meters                  108/103                                                                         24/23

DXCC Challenge    2726/2689

Es and EME has gotten us to 108/103 current.  DXCC At last. Awaiting more card returns for those just sent.

We completely gutted and rebuilt a 700 square foot cottage next door. Most everything is done and we are in the process of buying (no time for building) the kitchen cabinets   Also fix a stupid leak in/on the front door!!! Yeah! Leak fixed.  Took half the roof off.  Just shoot me!!! KITCHEN FINISHED!!! Well except for the staining of the cabinets.

Guests offer no help.


Six Meter DXCC


Plugging away on 160. Some activity this season (2014/2015). Managed to pick up a few new ones to get me to 219 so far.  222/219 current,  226/223 all time.


160 Meters